Monatsarchive: März 2016

The Pale

The notion that any political agenda would justify the killing of innocent people like this is, is something that’s beyond the pale. —President Obama, on Brussels bombings Was it a mistake of the Brussels bombers to not use drones? If one kills … Weiterlesen

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How an Uncritical Media Helped Trump’s Rise

From Spiegel: If Trump actually becomes his party’s candidate or, even worse, becomes the next president of the United States of America, the damage to democracy would be significant not only because it would turn America into an autocratic nation, … Weiterlesen

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has told President Barack Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court that the Senate won’t consider his nomination

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on President Barack Obama nominating Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court (all times local): 4:30 p.m. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has told President Barack Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court that the Senate won’t consider … Weiterlesen

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Hillary Clinton on Iraq War, Regime Change

This Hardball with Chris Matthews clip  has Hillary Clinton sounding like she voted for an invasion of Iraq because George Bush backed reconstruction funds for New York after 9/11. She says she voted for war because Iraq had nuclear weapons, but … Weiterlesen

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Andrew Bacevich on Foreign Policy in 2016 Campaign

I think the most interesting commentary on the 2016 campaign I’ve seen was Andrew Bacevich on Democracy Now this morning.

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The Sand Pebbles

Watched this again last night and really enjoyed McQueen, Bergen, Attenborough, and Crenna. Picked up more Vietnam references this time, and wonder how audiences in 1966 viewed it. Netflix reviews are generally more interesting for what they say about the writer than about … Weiterlesen

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Richard Wright

Men can starve from a lack of self-realization as much as they can from a lack of bread. —Richard Wright, Native Son Reading The Cultural Cold War’s discussion of intellectual battles between the Communist and Non-Communist Left in the 1940s I’m … Weiterlesen

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White House to reveal death toll of US drone strikes for first time

From the Guardian: A senior White House aide has pledged to release how many terrorism suspects and civilian casualties the US has killed in its drone strikes since 2009, the first-ever disclosure surrounding the US’s most controversial lethal operations.… The long-desired … Weiterlesen

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