Monatsarchive: Mai 2018


Kommentare deaktiviert für Jasenovac

Stara Gradiška

The doors have been removed from all the guard towers. The towers are accessible, but the ladders have been removed. Following the instructions of my mapping program I arrived at my destination and turned into the driveway of what seemed … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Stara Gradiška

Glasses and the world

Guardian: While America hasn’t changed much when it comes to its suspicion of intellectuals,… I found this article humorous, and appreciated the Asimov piece as echoing the thoughts of many of us over the decades, but it reminded me of … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Glasses and the world

Stone Gate

This is a medieval entrance to the city. It’s billed as a tourist attraction and is well signposted, however it’s rather hidden around a couple turns in the street, and seems less impressive than I’d somehow expected. As advertised there … Weiterlesen

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Tunnel complex

This is an entrance to a system of tunnels built as a bomb shelter in 1943. The tunnels are long, there are six exits, and numerous auxiliary tunnels, necessitating signage. The Art Garden is to the right. In a cavernous … Weiterlesen

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A very pleasant, well-spoken college-age waiter asks what brings me to Croatia. I tell him I read about the war and wanted to see the Balkans for myself. „What did you hear about the war?“ he asks. I tell him … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Zagreb


Kommentare deaktiviert für Lobor

St. Stephen’s Basilica

In the plaza before St. Stephen’s a group spins about on their Segways, some apparently video-chatting.

Kommentare deaktiviert für St. Stephen’s Basilica