Monatsarchive: März 2020


Mada Masr: Is capitalist globalization biologically sustainable? Mike Davis: Only by accepting a permanent triage of humanity and dooming part of the human race to eventual extinction. Economic globalization — that is to say, the accelerated free movement of finance … Weiterlesen

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Chomsky: “I mean this is so shocking that you don’t know how to describe it. Germany can’t help Greece: but Cuba can help European countries. “Just as when you see thousands of people dying in the Mediterranean, fleeing from countries … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Democracy


Yaschka Mounk, The Atlantic: A friend and former student of mine who moved to the United States from Germany for college summarized the stark difference between the two countries: “The vibes I get from family in Germany is that this … Weiterlesen

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Wall Street Journal: With Democrats bailing out on bipartisan­ship in a unique circumstance, the responsibility of national leadership—a historic opportunity—defaults to Mr. Trump. … It diminishes a wartime president to spend valuable time tussling with the barely relevant nonquestions of … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Greatness

Der Kollaps

Spiegel: Wer in der Stadt bleibt, muss sich auf harte Zeiten einstellen. „Wir stehen vor dem Kollaps“, sagt der Brooklyner Bezirks­präsident Eric Adams. … Die durchschnittliche Lebenserwartung in den USA lag 2015 bei 78,7 Jahren, ein für ein westliches Land … Weiterlesen

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The Chinese virus

Julian Borger, Guardian: When the UN security council and the G7 group sought to agree a global response to the coronavirus pandemic, the efforts stumbled on the US insistence on describing the threat as distinctively Chinese. There are other reasons for the … Weiterlesen

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Where is Hillary Clinton when we need her?

New York Times: WASHINGTON — China and Russia have both seized on the novel coronavirus to wage disinformation campaigns that seek to sow doubts about the United States’ handling of the crisis and deflect attention from their own struggles with … Weiterlesen

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