Monatsarchive: April 2016

Normal reactions to an abnormal event

In her own observations, Marrs noted that Green had abnormal eye contact, including staring, and that his mood was angry. Green told Marrs he was having suicidal and homicidal ideations, especially thoughts about killing Iraqi civilians. On his one-page intake … Weiterlesen

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Had to reread the first few paragraphs of this article several times today. Ray Bradbury, among others, saw this coming over 60 years ago. Each day not only are more Americans getting their view of the world through video, video produced by … Weiterlesen

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New Use for Old Property

Above a property in Stuttgart that lay destroyed in April 1945, and whose basements once covered four floors that have survived but were closed up and built on at ground level, a technical building was erected to be used by … Weiterlesen

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Southwest Airlines draws outrage over man removed for speaking Arabic Finished Darkness at Noon yesterday, started the section of Khrushchev’s memoirs on the peace treaty with Austria, then started Alexander Kluge’s 30 April 1945. Recent articles on islamophobia in the US remind me of the post-9/11 days.

Kommentare deaktiviert für Southwest Airlines draws outrage over man removed for speaking Arabic