Monatsarchive: November 2018


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Primo Levi was imprisoned here before being deported to Auschwitz.

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Baths of Caracalla

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The Sacred

What to confess? What frameworks for sin? For what might I turn to a priest? What does it mean for a place to be „sacred“? What makes it sacred? Is its sacredness binary? Scalar? Vector? Can it lose its sacred … Weiterlesen

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Circus Maximus

St. Peter’s is horizon center Arches Severiane

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Arch of Constantine center

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Vesuvius beneath the clouds In the tunnels beneath the amphitheater is an exhibit on the 1971 filming of Live at Pompeii as well as Chit Chat With Oysters and recording Dark Side of the Moon. Nostalgia for 1971 reminds me … Weiterlesen

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