Monatsarchive: Februar 2020


Kommentare deaktiviert für Rosenthal


I think we use words like „unacceptable“ in an effort to lie to ourselves that our acceptance of, or failure to accept, state injustice has some meaning, that we are not completely impotent to effect change in response to our … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Acceptance

Reality as caricature

Craig Murray: In yesterday’s proceedings in court, the prosecution adopted arguments so stark and apparently unreasonable I have been fretting on how to write them up in a way that does not seem like caricature or unfair exaggeration on my … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Reality as caricature

There is no evidence precisely because they are guilty. I rest my case.

Guardian: Former special counsel Robert Mueller documented Moscow’s campaign of hacking and social media propaganda to boost Trump’s 2016 candidacy and harm his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton. It [sic] documented numerous contacts between people associated with Trump’s campaign and Russians. … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für There is no evidence precisely because they are guilty. I rest my case.

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights on Assange

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights: The broad and vague nature of the allegations against Julian Assange, and of the offences listed in the indictment, are troubling as many of them concern activities at the core of investigative journalism … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights on Assange

Craig Murray on February 24, 2020 Assange hearing

Craig Murray: When enquiring about facilities for the public to attend the hearing, an Assange activist was told by a member of court staff that we should realise that Woolwich is a “counter-terrorism court”. That is true de facto, but … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Craig Murray on February 24, 2020 Assange hearing

Amnesty International strongly opposes any possibility of Julian Assange being extradited or sent in any other manner to the USA

Amnesty International: There, he faces a real risk of serious human rights violations including possible detention conditions that would amount to torture and other ill-treatment (such as prolonged solitary confinement). The fact that he was the target of a negative … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Amnesty International strongly opposes any possibility of Julian Assange being extradited or sent in any other manner to the USA

Was bedeutet Solidarität, eigentlich?

taz: Wir sind mehr. Aber was heißt das? Heißt das, dass mir zwei Leute mitfühlend die Hand halten, während mir ein anderer die Waffe an den Kopf hält? Der Gedanke, in der Überzahl zu sein, hilft vor allem denjenigen, die … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Was bedeutet Solidarität, eigentlich?