Monatsarchive: März 2018

Theater of the Absurd

Transcribing reality with meticulous care is enough to create the impression of extravagant irrationality. –Martin Esslin, Theater of the Absurd, p. 301 I don’t know why this quotation popped into my head this morning. I remember that forty years ago … Weiterlesen

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Where are Sam and Dean?

Guardian: The Vatican is to hold a training course for priests in exorcism next month amid claims that demands for deliverance from demonic possession have greatly increased across the the world. The Vatican-backed International Association of Exorcists, which represents more than 200 … Weiterlesen

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Good Friday

Jesus died for somebody’s sins, but not mine. Patti Smith Schenkendorfstraße 7. Peter Lorenz was held in the basement. Mariannenplatz. The group on the left is English-speaking tourists listening to a young Englishman with a very strong accent. I went … Weiterlesen

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The Black Obelisk

CounterPunch: Those in the liberal media are consoled by the antics of Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel and Jon Stewart and other comics who use humor to confront the menace of Trump.  I recall the words of the late British … Weiterlesen

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Iraq is a reminder: US crimes against humanity predate Trump

Guardian: People talk a lot about “totalitarianism” in the Trump era. I’ve never really loved the category: it seems to paper over some pretty deep differences between the entities one might call totalitarian. But if there was a “totalitarian” moment … Weiterlesen

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Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand

The museum’s entrance is off the courtyard where von Stauffenberg and several others were shot. „Every single individual has a right to a decent and just state.“ „In total, some 150 people fell victim to the National Socialist persecution in … Weiterlesen

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Ehemaliger EU-Kommissar nimmt Russland in Schutz

Spiegel: „Generell sollten Sanktionen faktenbasiert sein und nicht auf Vermutungen aufbauen“, sagte Verheugen der „Augsburger Allgemeinen“. „Die Argumentation im Fall Skripal erinnert mich ein bisschen an eine Urteilsverkündung nach dem Motto `Die Tat war dem Beschuldigten nicht nachzuweisen, aber es … Weiterlesen

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Ostermarsch 2018 in Potsdam

„This is what Democracy looks like“ seems to generally be proclaimed proudly, sometimes fiercely or combatively, but I find myself at times interpreting the sentiment through a lens of irony, even pathos.

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