Monatsarchive: November 2019

Kamp Vught

The final exhibit is about the making of the monument. There is a large room full of photos on the construction and renovation, and more photos are shown on a video display. You can buy a booklet about it (about … Weiterlesen

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Is knowledge of „Auschwitz“ really the decisive question?

Consider the second clandestine leaflet distributed in early July 1942 by the „White Rose“ resistance group, in which the murder of some 300,000 Jews in Poland was mentioned. The Munich students immediately added a disclaimer: Some people could argue that the … Weiterlesen

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May-June 1945

The 10th Army and two Marine divisions continued to wage a close, bitter battle with the Japanese for possession of Okinawa, while Air Corps‘ B-29s bombed the mainland of Japan, burning thousands of civilians to death with incidental damage to … Weiterlesen

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Godwin’s Law

In the last few days I’ve seen a number of posts on social media of Sacha Baron Cohen’s attack on Facebook, in which Cohen says ‚if Facebook were around in the 1930s, it would have allowed Hitler to post 30-second … Weiterlesen

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We drove through Ludwigshaven and crossed the Rhine on the long, swaying, Ernie Pyle pontoon bridge. From the ruins of Mannheim (dead rotting in the rubble, no civilians on the streets), we turned east, and going uphill, entered beautiful country … Weiterlesen

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The Ten Day Challenge

A „challenge“ when I was growing up was a task or a competition to prove something, a task one might or might not succeed at. You might fail at the task, you might lose the competition. A challenge was something … Weiterlesen

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VVN zu links

taz: Wie am Freitag bekannt wurde, ist der „Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes – Bund der Antifaschistinnen und Antifaschisten“ (VVN-BdA) die Gemein­nützig­keit entzogen worden. Der Behörde ist die Vereinigung offenbar zu links.

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Parachute Infantry

Martin went up to a British tank which had pulled back with us. „Put a shell in that church steeple,“ he suggested. „The Krauts are using it as an observation post.“ The tank commander shook his head. „I’m sorry, we … Weiterlesen

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Atlantikwall, Den Haag

No tanks are getting through here.

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I began to comprehend that eight or nine neoconservatives who were political outsiders in the Clinton years had essentially overthrown the government of the United States—with ease. It was stunning to realize how fragile our Constitution was. The intellectual leaders … Weiterlesen

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To be honest the eternal flame impresses me as a giant magic marker, lipstick, or vibrator. I don’t like it. I enjoyed talking with the barman about the war (I didn’t tell him my thoughts on the torch). He was … Weiterlesen

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Marxismus, der sich locker macht

Spiegel: Ein Politiker, der als Popstar wahrgenommen wird. Und ein Popstar, der seine Prominenz in den politischen Raum trägt: Yanis Varoufakis und Brian Eno treten jetzt gemeinsam auf. I received invitations to watch this, have since seen several notices on … Weiterlesen

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