Monatsarchive: November 2023

Tony Blair open to becoming Israel’s ‘humanitarian coordinator’ in Gaza

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European complicity in war crimes in Gaza

eu observer: While all states have a right to defend themselves under the UN Charter, this does not provide legal cover to wage war against an occupied territory, as the International Court of Justice pointed out in an advisory opinion on Israel’s illegal … Weiterlesen

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Stell dich mitten in den Regen, glaub an seinen Tropfensegen spinn dich in das Rauschen ein und versuche gut zu sein! Stell dich mitten in den Wind, glaub an ihn und sei ein Kind – laß den Sturm in dich … Weiterlesen

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Iris Hefets

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Macron calls for a ceasefire

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Tony Benn

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A sharp time, now, a precise time

John Pilger, Consortium News: ‘This is a sharp time, now, a precise time …’ wrote Arthur Miller in The Crucible, ‘We live no longer in the dusky afternoon when evil mixed itself with good and befuddled the world.’ There is one … Weiterlesen

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Zarah Sultana calling for a ceasefire

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