Tagesarchive: März 15, 2020

‚What I like about coronavirus‘

Slavoj Žižek: ‘If you add to this a possible new wave of refugees you get the perfect storm, and I think that Europe is so weakened that it will not be able to react in a unified way, and that’s … Weiterlesen

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Imagine we were to visit Dante’s Hell now and find there in the Third Circle today’s Ciacco, a gluttonous Western European who ignores the plight of migrants, focused as he is on continuing his consumption undisturbed. If we were to … Weiterlesen

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200.000 bis 1,7 Millionen Menschen

taz: ExpertInnen gehen davon aus, dass sich in den kommenden Wochen und Monaten zwischen einem und zwei Dritteln der Bevölkerung an dem „ausländischen Virus“ – wie Trump Corona nennt – anstecken werden. Nach Schätzungen von Experten der Bundesbehörde Center for … Weiterlesen

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Coronavirus: Disarray hits US airports over health screenings

BBC: Long queues formed as travellers waited for hours for the screenings before passing through customs. Earlier Vice-President Mike Pence said a ban imposed on European nations over the pandemic would be extended to the UK and Ireland on Tuesday. … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Coronavirus: Disarray hits US airports over health screenings