Tagesarchive: Juni 19, 2022


We have a democracy. Last year that democracy was in danger. There could have been a catastrophe. Lucky for us we had Mike Pence (thank God). Because of The Courage of Mike Pence, while we came dangerously close to catastrophe, … Weiterlesen

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Burning imperatives

Guardian: It came as the new head of the British army said British troops must prepare “to fight in Europe once again”.  “There is now a burning imperative to forge an army capable of fighting alongside our allies and defeating … Weiterlesen

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Der Krieg könnte Jahre dauern

Bild: BBC: The West must prepare to continue supporting Ukraine in a war lasting for years, Nato’s chief has warned. Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said the costs of war were high, but the price of letting Moscow achieve its military goals … Weiterlesen

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