Tagesarchive: Juli 9, 2022

What’s goin‘ on where I’m livin‘

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Journalists and publishers could face life sentences if National Security Bill 2022, being debated in the U.K. Parliament, becomes law

Mohamed Elmaazi, Consortium News: The British Parliament is debating a national security bill which could undermine the basis of national security reporting and ultimately throw journalists in jail for life. A person convicted under the new offense of “obtaining or … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Journalists and publishers could face life sentences if National Security Bill 2022, being debated in the U.K. Parliament, becomes law

Deutsche Welle: Julian Assange: Bundestagsabgeordnete fordern Freilassung Über 80 Abgeordnete des Deutschen Bundestages wenden sich in einem offenem Brief gegen die Auslieferung des Wikileaks-Gründers an die USA. Die Auslieferung wäre ein „fatales Signal für die Pressefreiheit“. Wikipedia: Frank Schwabe (* 12. November 1970 in Waltrop) … Weiterlesen

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„the majority writes and I quote – this is a quote now, from the majority“ Kamala Harris often seems to be working hard at remaining expressionless, perhaps pursing her lips to keep from laughing. This November perhaps a massive Blue … Weiterlesen

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Arizona police protected from hostile camera-equipped groups

BBC: A law in the US state of Arizona will ban people from filming police officers at short distances, with possible fines or jail for those who don’t comply. Critics call the law a threat to free speech and the … Weiterlesen

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