Der Kampf


»Ich suche seit Monaten eine nichtdogmatische linke Gruppe, die gegen die Aufrüstung in Deutschland aktiv wird, und habe noch keine gefunden.« Dieses Bekenntnis eines Altlinken aus Kreuzberg teilten viele der rund 80 Menschen, die sich am Sonnabend im Berliner Mehringhof zu einem antimilitaristischen Ratschlag getroffen haben.

I was considering attending the Mehringhof event, but pictured myself sitting in a small theater with some dozens looking at images of Russian, Ukrainian and Italian activists projected on television screens. It just seemed too pitiful, farcical.

Articles and organization collateral use phrases like „Kampf“, „struggle against militarism“ to describe events attended by a few dozen people who are largely nearing or past retirement age. Credico here is unimpressed by my criticism. After seven hours his tweet has garnered all of eight views.

I don’t have words in English to describe what is going on here. It is far beyond whistling past the graveyard.

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