Las Vegas


Die Bürgermeisterin von Las Vegas fordert eine Öffnung der Casinos – und zieht sich aus der Verantwortung, für Sicherheit zu sorgen. In den Medien lösen ihre absurden Vergleiche Entsetzen aus.

„In den Medien“. There’s a sort of porn that’s been recurrent on Twitter this last month: videos of people violating lockdown restrictions in Germany, going to lockdown demonstrations in the US, government officials like this mayor of Las Vegas or of course the US president saying absurdities. There’s a glee in the replies on Twitter. Boy, those Americans are stupid. Those Republicans are stupid. Those Libtards are sure dumb. There is much talk of curves. The curves are shapes imagined present, or not present, on graphs which chart deaths. They chart deaths in the thousands.

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